Good morning everyone, how do you do?
This is our first meeting, let's see my introduce, in this video:
Nice to see you every one.
See you next meeting. Good bye.
Wassalamualaikum, wr.wb.
TTL: Sidodadi,10 Agustus 1989 Jenis kelamin:Perempuan Alamat: jl sinar harapan kelurahan Rajabasa jaya,kec,rajabasa.kota bandar Lampung. No hp: 085221413099 Medsos: Facebook dan instagram Guru SD Al-Azhar 2 B.Lampung
Good morning everyone, how do you do?
This is our first meeting, let's see my introduce, in this video:
Nice to see you every one.
See you next meeting. Good bye.
Wassalamualaikum, wr.wb.
Hello my lovely students,,long time no see. How life today? I hope we are ok today. For English subject in grade 6 in this semester you are be with me,as your English teacher, mis Husnul. We are still daring, for today please see this video,about our school..
Just stay at home and keep your healty body,ok!
Hari/Tanggal : Jumat, 21 Februari 2025 Kelas : 4A Mata Pelajaran : Pendidikan Anti Korupsi Alat Peraga ...