Kisi-kisi Soal B.Inggris PAS Kelas 5 (Kamis 5 Desember 2019)

Pilihlah Jawaban Yang Benar Dengan Memberi Tanda Silang ( X ) Pada A, B, C Atau D! 

1. Apakah hobimu?
The English sentence is ….
a. What is their hobby? 
b. What is his hobby? 
c. What is him hobby?
d. What is your hobby?

2. Singing in Indonesian is ….
a. Menari  
b. Menyayi  
c. Berenang  
d. Memancing

3. Complete the dialogue below!
Rina : “Do you like swimming?”
Bayu : ”No, …. “
a. I do not 
b. I does  
c. I do   
d. I does not

4.Bagas  : “Do you like playing …..?” (catur)
Ahmad : “ Yes, I do.”
a. Card  
b. Doll   
c. Chess  
d. Kite

5. We need stove, food and ingredients for ….
a. Fishing  
b. Reading  
c. Swimming  
d. Cooking

6.Danu : “What time is it?” (09:15)
Dika  : “ It is ….”
a. A quarter past nine  
c. A quarter pas ten
b. A half past nine  
d. Fifteen to ten

7. Sekarang pukul delapan lebih dua puluh
The English sentence is ….
a. It is eight past twenty 
b. It is twenty past eight 
c. It is eight to twenty
d. It is twenty to eight

8. go home – the students – at – o’clock – eleven
The correct order is ….
a. Go home at elecen o’clock the students
b. Eeven o’clock the students at go home
c. The students go home at eleven o’clock
d. The studenst at o’clock eleven go home

9. It is twenty five past seven.
The time in numbers is ….
a. 21.07  
b. 07.25  
c. 08.25  
c. 07.35

10. It is 11.40
The clock ina sentence is ….
a. Eleven past forty   
b. Twelve past forty   
c. Twelve to forty
d. Twenty to twelve

11.Dika : “What do you always do after dinner?”
Rino : “ I always ….”
a. Watching television 
b. Studying  
c. Go to bed 
d. Take a bath

12. Siska always has breakfast
The Indonesian sentence is ….
a. Siska selalu makan siang  
b. Siska selalu makan malam 
c. Siska selalu makan pagi
d. Siska selalu makan istirahat

13. Rina selalu menyapu halaman setiap hari
The English sentence is ….
a. Rina often sweeps the yard everyday 
b. Rina seldom sweeps the yard everyday 
c. Rina never sweeps the yard everyday
d. Rina always sweeps the yard everyday

14. Mr. Joko – everyday – the office– goes – to
The correct order is ….
a. Mr. Joko goes to the office everyday 
b. Goes to the office Mr. Joko everyday 
c. Mr. Joko to the office goes everyday
d. Everyday to Mr. Joko goes the office

15. Dina always has breakfast in the ….
a. Night  
b. Morning  
c. Evening 
d. Afternoon

16.Dinda : “What do you wear?”
Jaya : “ I wear a ….”
a. Shorts  
b. Raincoat  
c. Swimsuit  
d. T-Shirt

17. This is a trousers
The Indonesian sentece is ….
a. Ini adalah celana pendek   
b. Ini adalah rok pendek   
c. Ini adalah celana panjang
d. Ini adalah rok panjang

18. many – clothes – Maya – has
The correct order is ….
a. Many has Maya clothes   
b. Has Maya many Clothes   
c. Maya has many clothes
d. Clothes Maya has many

19. It is raining today. Mr. Bayu wears …. when he goes to office.
a. Swimsuit 
b. Tracksuit  
c. Pajamas  
d. Raincoat

20. Ini adalah sebuah rompi
The English sentece is ….
a. This is a coat 
b. This is a ves 
c. This is a shorts 
d. This is a skirt

21. January is the first of ….
a. Day  
b. Time  
c. Month  
d. Clock

22. Yesterday is friday
The Indonesian sentence is ….
a. Kemarin adalah jum’at  
b. Kemarin adalah minggu  
c. Besok adalah sabtu
d. Hari adalah senin

23. are – there – twelve – months
The correct order is ….
a. There are twelve months  
b. There twelve months are  
c. Are twelve there months
d. Are twelve months there

24. Today is friday. Tomorrow will be ….
a. Sunday 
b. Monday  
c. Saturday  
d. Thursday

25. Next month will be May. Last month was March. This month is ….
a. June  
b. December  
c. April  
d. January

Isilah titik-titik yang ada dengan jawaban yang benar!

1. We need canvas, brush and oil paint to ….
2. Sinta very like gardening. Sinta do his hoby in the ….
3. It is ten past twelve.
The clock in numbers is ….
4. is – eleven – to – it – a quarter
The correct order is ….
5. Deni pergi ke sekolah
The English sentece is ….
6. Dodi often clean up the bed
The Indonesian sentece is ….
7. Santi wear ….. before she go to bed.
8. Riki is wearing him tracksuit.
The Indonesian sentece of his tracksuit is ….
9. Today is monday. Tomorrow will be ….
10. This month is January. Last month is ….


Jawablah Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan Di Bawah Ini Dengan Jawan Yang Benar!

1. Arange the words below into correct sentences!
a. like – kite – Rudi and Santo – very – playing
b. Hobby – their – are – chess – playing
c. like – every – father – fishing – sunday
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Write the times below into sentences!
a. 12.25
b. 10.30
c. 08.40
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. Translate the senteces below into Indonesian!
a. What do you always do after lunch?
b. I help may mother sweep the yard
c. Sinta always studies everyday
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4. Complete the dialogue below!

Sela : “Do you wear pajamas?”
Mela : “No, …..”
Sela : “What do you wear?”
Mela : “I wear a ….”
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Translate the senteces below into English!
a. Hari ini adalah hari minggu
b. Kemarin adalah hari sabtu
c. Bulan depan adalah maret
Answer : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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  Hari/Tanggal        : Jumat, 21 Februari 2025 Kelas                       : 4A Mata Pelajaran     : Pendidikan Anti Korupsi Alat Peraga   ...