Pembelajaran Kelas 4A dan 4C (Jumat 21 Februari 2020)



Lesson 1b: Do You Ever Have Snowball Fights?

: 4/2
: Activities
: Do You Ever Have Snowball Fights?
:  6 (six)
Approximate time
: 70’

A.     Standard Competence:

1.      Mendengarkan       : Memahami instruksi sederhana dengan respon berupa tindakan.

2.      Berbicara               : Merespon instruksi dengan bahasa lisan sederhana

3.      Membaca               : Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris sederhana

4.      Menulis                  : Mengeja dan menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sederhana

B.     Basic Competence:

1.      Merespon dengan cara mengulang kosa kata baru dengan ucapan lantang.

2.      Merespon instruksi guru dan teman di dalam kelas secara verbal

3.      Melakukan percakapan untuk meminta atau memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur yang digunakan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.

4.      Membaca nyaring dengan intonasi yang tepat dan memahami kalimat dan teks deskriptif bergambar sederhana.

5.      Mengeja kosa kata bahasa Inggris sederhana secara tepat.

6.      Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertulis sederhana

C.     Indicators Communication and Language Objective:

Students are able to identify seasonal activities and the frequency in which they do these activities using adverbs of frequency.

D.     Aims:

Students are able to talk about seasonal activities using adverb of frequency: sometimes, often, always, rarely, hardly ever, never.

E.     Materials Teaching Aids:

1.      Pictures page 66/E &F

2.      Student’s book

3.      Workbook

4.      CD English Chest

F.      Learning Activities:

Ø  Teacher shows a pictures of page 66/E
Ø  Students are asked some questions related to the picture:
o   What can you see?
I can see ….
o   What are the boy and girl doing?
They are walking
o   What are the boy and dog doing?
They are playing (in the puddle).


Whilst Activity
Ø  Teacher shows the picture of page 66/F and play the CD track 43.
Ø  Teacher points the pictures one by one, while the students listen to the dialog from the CD.
o   Girl: Do you ever go swimming in winter?
Boy: Yes. We sometimes go swimming in winter.
Girl: How?
Boy: We swim in a swimming pool.

o   Girl: Do you ever wear boots in summer?
Boy: No. I never wear them in summer.
Girl: Why not?
Boy: There is no snow!
o   Etc.

Ø  Students are asked each other questions using the dialog.
o   Do you ever play soccer?
Yes, I often do in fall and winter.
o   Why?
It’s fun! My brother likes it, too.
o   Etc.


Post Activity
Ø  Teacher asks students to open the worksheet.
Ø  Teacher explains how to complete the worksheet.
Ø  Students are asked to start completing the worksheet.
Ø  Teacher and students check the work together.


Pembelajaran Kelas 5B (Kamis 20 Februari 2020)



Lesson 1b: How Do I Get to the Library?

: 5/2
: Shopping
: How do I get to the library?
: 6 (six)
Approximate time
: 70’

A.     Standard Competence:

1.      Mendengar                        : Memahami instruksi sederhana dengan respon berupa tindakan.

2.      Berbicara              : Mengungkapkan dan menanyakan informasi sederhana dalam konteks kelas

3.      Membaca              : Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris sederhana

4.      Menulis                 : Mengeja dan menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sederhana

B.     Basic Competence:

1.    Merespon dengan cara mengulang kosa kata baru dengan ucapan lantang.

2.    Merespon instruksi guru dan teman di dalam kelas secara verbal.

3.    Melakukan percakapan untuk meminta dan memberi bantuan dan barang. 

4.    Membaca nyaring dengan intonasi yang tepat dan memahami kalimat dan teks deskriptif bergambar sederhana.

5.    Mengeja kosa kata bahasa Inggris sederhana secara tepat.

6.    Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertulis sederhana.

C.     Indicators Communication and Language Objective:

Students are able to ask for and give directions.

D.     Aims:

Students are able to ask and give directionsusing commands, coordinating conjunction: and, and information questionhow.

E.     Materials Teaching Aids:

1.      A picture (pg. 66/E& F)

2.      Student’s book

3.      Workbook

4.      CD English Chest

F.      Learning Activities:

Ø  Teacher shows a picture on page 66/E & F.
Ø  Teacher tells the class a story about the picture.
Ø  Teacher gives questions:
o   What can you see?
I can see ….
o   Where do the girls want to go?
They want to go to the Gloria’s Hamburger.
o   Where is Gloria’s Hamburger?
It’s near the coffee shop/


Whilst Activity
Ø  The teacher prompts students to have the following conversations about each picture with some helps using the words below the pictures.
Ø  Teacher plays the CD (track 35).
o   A: How do I get to the bookstore?
B: Go around the corner, and walk down the hill. You can’t miss it.
A: Thanks.

o   A: How do I get to Mike’s Camera Shop?
B: Go under the bridge, and turn right. You can’t miss it
A: Thanks.

o   A: How do I get to the bakery?
B: Go through the park, and turn left. You can’t miss it.
A: Thanks.

o   Etc. (Based on the pictures)

Ø  Students are asked to practice the pattern of the dialog with the book closed.
Ø  It can be done in pairs or around the class.

Post Activity
Ø  Teacher asks students to open the worksheet.
Ø  Teacher explains how to complete the worksheet.
Ø  Students are asked to start completing the worksheet.
Ø  Teacher and students check the work together.


Pembelajaran Kelas 4E (Kamis 20 Februari 2020)



Lesson 1b: Do You Ever Have Snowball Fights?

: 4/2
: Activities
: Do You Ever Have Snowball Fights?
:  6 (six)
Approximate time
: 70’

A.     Standard Competence:

1.      Mendengarkan       : Memahami instruksi sederhana dengan respon berupa tindakan.

2.      Berbicara               : Merespon instruksi dengan bahasa lisan sederhana

3.      Membaca               : Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris sederhana

4.      Menulis                  : Mengeja dan menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sederhana

B.     Basic Competence:

1.      Merespon dengan cara mengulang kosa kata baru dengan ucapan lantang.

2.      Merespon instruksi guru dan teman di dalam kelas secara verbal

3.      Melakukan percakapan untuk meminta atau memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur yang digunakan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.

4.      Membaca nyaring dengan intonasi yang tepat dan memahami kalimat dan teks deskriptif bergambar sederhana.

5.      Mengeja kosa kata bahasa Inggris sederhana secara tepat.

6.      Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertulis sederhana

C.     Indicators Communication and Language Objective:

Students are able to identify seasonal activities and the frequency in which they do these activities using adverbs of frequency.

D.     Aims:

Students are able to talk about seasonal activities using adverb of frequency: sometimes, often, always, rarely, hardly ever, never.

E.     Materials Teaching Aids:

1.      Pictures page 66/E &F

2.      Student’s book

3.      Workbook

4.      CD English Chest

F.      Learning Activities:

Ø  Teacher shows a pictures of page 66/E
Ø  Students are asked some questions related to the picture:
o   What can you see?
I can see ….
o   What are the boy and girl doing?
They are walking
o   What are the boy and dog doing?
They are playing (in the puddle).


Whilst Activity
Ø  Teacher shows the picture of page 66/F and play the CD track 43.
Ø  Teacher points the pictures one by one, while the students listen to the dialog from the CD.
o   Girl: Do you ever go swimming in winter?
Boy: Yes. We sometimes go swimming in winter.
Girl: How?
Boy: We swim in a swimming pool.

o   Girl: Do you ever wear boots in summer?
Boy: No. I never wear them in summer.
Girl: Why not?
Boy: There is no snow!
o   Etc.

Ø  Students are asked each other questions using the dialog.
o   Do you ever play soccer?
Yes, I often do in fall and winter.
o   Why?
It’s fun! My brother likes it, too.
o   Etc.


Post Activity
Ø  Teacher asks students to open the worksheet.
Ø  Teacher explains how to complete the worksheet.
Ø  Students are asked to start completing the worksheet.
Ø  Teacher and students check the work together.


Class 4A SD Al Azhar 2 Bandar Lampung

  Hari/Tanggal        : Jumat, 21 Februari 2025 Kelas                       : 4A Mata Pelajaran     : Pendidikan Anti Korupsi Alat Peraga   ...