Remedial test grade 5C and 5D

These questions are for student's remedial test.
Note: students who got score under 75 (>75) should be able to do this remedial test.

Choose the best answer!

1.  My Father is (older/younger) than my mother.

2. An armchair is (harder/softer) than a wooden chair.

3.                    do you want to be?

4. I want to be a                            . I want to play in the band

5. Rearrange the sentence!  ( want - another - I - planet - visit)

                 ( Good Luck) it should be collect next week!

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Class 4A SD Al Azhar 2 Bandar Lampung

  Kelas         :4A SD Al Azhar 2 Semester  : 1 Hari,Tgl    : Selasa, 10 September 2024 Muatan Pembelajaran  : Matematika dan IPAS Guru     ...