Materi Kelas 4C dan 4A (jumat 23 Agustus 2019)

Free Time
Lesson 3: Do You Have Any Hobbies?

1.      Mendengarkan       : Memahami instruksi sederhana dengan respon berupa tindakan.

2.      Berbicara               : Merespon instruksi dengan bahasa lisan sederhana

3.      Membaca               : Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris sederhana

4.      Menulis                  : Mengeja dan menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sederhana

B.     Basic Competence:

1.      Merespon dengan cara mengulang kosa kata baru dengan ucapan lantang.

2.      Merespon instruksi guru dan teman di dalam kelas secara verbal

3.      Melakukan percakapan untuk meminta atau memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur yang digunakan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.

4.      Membaca nyaring dengan intonasi yang tepat dan memahami kalimat dan teks deskriptif bergambar sederhana.

5.      Mengeja kosa kata bahasa Inggris sederhana secara tepat.

6.      Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertulis sederhana.

C.     Indicators Communication and Language Objective:

Students will be able to express their hobbies and share some personal information by mean of do you have any … (or ….)?

D.     Aims:

Students are able to identify some hobbies and personal information.

E.     Materials and Teaching Aids:

1.      Students’ Book

2.      Workbook

3.      Student’s book

4.      Picture from page 24/A & B

F.      Learning Activities:

Ø  Teacher shows a pictures on page 24/A& B
Ø  Students are asked some questions related to the picture:
o   What does he/she have?
He/she has books/ a rabbit/a trumpet
o   What is she doing?
She is making jewelry.
o   What can you see?
I can see trees/ a fire/ a baseball player.


Whilst Activity
Ø  Teacher reads loudly what is in the picture/plays the CD English Chest (track 11)
o   Jewelry. She likes to make jewelry.
o   Trumpet. She likes to play trumpet.
o   Camping. We like to go camping.
o   Trading cards. He likes to collect trading cards.
o   etc.
Ø  Students listen and repeat to the teacher.
Ø  Students are asked to make sentence based on what they can see in the picture.
o   What is she doing?
o   Where is she?
o   Do you have any hobbies?


Post Activity
Ø  Teacher asks students to open the worksheet.
Ø  Teacher explains how to complete the worksheet.
Ø  Students are asked to start completing the worksheet.
Ø  Teacher and students check the work together.


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Class 4A SD Al Azhar 2 Bandar Lampung

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