Home Learning kelas 5C dan 5D (Senin 30 Maret 2020)

Read and choose the correct answer! 

1.      A:  How do I get to the post office? 

a. Thanks!                          b.  It’s a crosswalk.           C.  Go around the corner.

2.      A:  How does your classmate get to the supermarket? 

a. She walks around the corner.          b. No, she didn’t.        c.  Everything is fine. 

3.       A:  How much is that DVD?  

a.       It’s five dollars and eighty cents.             b. I’ll take three.          C.   like DVDs.

4.      A:  What do your boots look like? 

a. They are blue with yellow dots.                  b. There are blue boots.           c. have boots.

5.      A: What do we need from the supermarket? 

a.  We need a bottle of milk.   b. Yes, everything is fine.       c.  Your total is four dollars.

Home Learning Kelas 4A dan 4C (Jumat 27 Maret 2020)

Kita hari ini akan belajar UNIT 3 LESSON 3 (I HELPED MY DAD CLEAN THE HOUSE)

Kali ini kita akan belajar apa yang kamu lakukan kemaren. Dalam Bahasa inggris jika kegiatan sudah kita lalui atau kita kerjakan dan terjadi kemarin,minggu lalu,bulan lalu,tahun lalu maka kata kerjanya ditambah dengan ed (jika kata kerjanya beraturan)

seperti contoh=
1. play+ed menjadi played
2. cook+ed menjadi cooked
3. water+ed menjadi watered
4. call+ed menjadi called
5. climb+ed menjadi climbed
6. clean+ed menjadi cleaned
7. wash+ed menjadi washed
8. help+ed menjadi helped

Contoh dalam kalimat:

          Andi: What did you do yesterday?
          Rika: I cleaned my room.

Sekarang kerjakan tugas berikut!
Garis bawahi jawaban yang benar yang ada didalam kurung!

1. Amar: What did you do yesterday?
    Agung: I (climb/climbed) a mountain yesterday.

2. Ana: What did you do yesterday?
    Ani:  I (help/helped) my mother yesterday.

3. Rina: What did you do yesterday?
    Rini:  I (clean/cleaned) my bedroom yesterday.

4. Eric: What did you do last week?
    Evan:  I (water/watered) some flower last week.

5. Dedi: What did you do last week?
    Dodi:  I (learn/learned) English last week.

Selamat Mengerjakan. Have Fun!

Home Learning Kelas 4E (Kamis 26 Maret 2020)

Kita hari ini akan belajar UNIT 3 LESSON 3 (I HELPED MY DAD CLEAN THE HOUSE)

Kali ini kita akan belajar apa yang kamu lakukan kemaren. Dalam Bahasa inggris jika kegiatan sudah kita lalui atau kita kerjakan dan terjadi kemarin,minggu lalu,bulan lalu,tahun lalu maka kata kerjanya ditambah dengan ed (jika kata kerjanya beraturan)

seperti contoh=
1. play+ed menjadi played
2. cook+ed menjadi cooked
3. water+ed menjadi watered
4. call+ed menjadi called
5. climb+ed menjadi climbed
6. clean+ed menjadi cleaned
7. wash+ed menjadi washed
8. help+ed menjadi helped

Contoh dalam kalimat:

          Andi: What did you do yesterday?
          Rika: I cleaned my room.

Sekarang kerjakan tugas berikut!
Garis bawahi jawaban yang benar yang ada didalam kurung!

1. Amar: What did you do yesterday?
    Agung: I (climb/climbed) a mountain yesterday.

2. Ana: What did you do yesterday?
    Ani:  I (help/helped) my mother yesterday.

3. Rina: What did you do yesterday?
    Rini:  I (clean/cleaned) my bedroom yesterday.

4. Eric: What did you do last week?
    Evan:  I (water/watered) some flower last week.

5. Dedi: What did you do last week?
    Dodi:  I (learn/learned) English last week.

Selamat Mengerjakan. Have Fun!

Home learning Kelas 5B (Kamis 26 Maret 2020)

Read and choose the correct answer! 

1.      A:  How do I get to the post office? 

a. Thanks!                          b.  It’s a crosswalk.           C.  Go around the corner.

2.      A:  How does your classmate get to the supermarket? 

a. She walks around the corner.          b. No, she didn’t.        c.  Everything is fine. 

3.       A:  How much is that DVD?  

a.       It’s five dollars and eighty cents.             b. I’ll take three.          C.   like DVDs.

4.      A:  What do your boots look like? 

a. They are blue with yellow dots.                  b. There are blue boots.           c. have boots.

5.      A: What do we need from the supermarket? 

a.  We need a bottle of milk.   b. Yes, everything is fine.       c.  Your total is four dollars.

Home learning Kelas 4B dan 4F (Selasa 24 Maret 2020)

Kita hari ini akan belajar UNIT 3 LESSON 3 (I HELPED MY DAD CLEAN THE HOUSE)

Kali ini kita akan belajar apa yang kamu lakukan kemaren. Dalam Bahasa inggris jika kegiatan sudah kita lalui atau kita kerjakan dan terjadi kemarin,minggu lalu,bulan lalu,tahun lalu maka kata kerjanya ditambah dengan ed (jika kata kerjanya beraturan)

seperti contoh=
1. play+ed menjadi played
2. cook+ed menjadi cooked
3. water+ed menjadi watered
4. call+ed menjadi called
5. climb+ed menjadi climbed
6. clean+ed menjadi cleaned
7. wash+ed menjadi washed
8. help+ed menjadi helped

Contoh dalam kalimat:

          Andi: What did you do yesterday?
          Rika: I cleaned my room.

Sekarang kerjakan tugas berikut!
Garis bawahi jawaban yang benar yang ada didalam kurung!

1. Amar: What did you do yesterday?
    Agung: I (climb/climbed) a mountain yesterday.

2. Ana: What did you do yesterday?
    Ani:  I (help/helped) my mother yesterday.

3. Rina: What did you do yesterday?
    Rini:  I (clean/cleaned) my bedroom yesterday.

4. Eric: What did you do last week?
    Evan:  I (water/watered) some flower last week.

5. Dedi: What did you do last week?
    Dodi:  I (learn/learned) English last week.

Selamat Mengerjakan. Have Fun!

Home Learning Kelas 5C dan 5D (Senin 23 Maret 2020)

Tugas kelas 5C dan 5B (Senin 23 Maret 2020)

Silahkan tulis jawaban saja ya nak, di buku latihan B.Inggris

Fill in the blank!

1. She always helps the doctor in the hospital. She is a....
2. Diah: How ….are you?
    Reni: I am ten years old.

3. if you get a headache. you can go to...

The text is for no. 4-7


Please come to my birthday party on Saturday March 1st. We are going to have a party at the amusement park from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

            The amusement park has bumper cars, a Ferris wheel, roller coasters. . . . We are going to have a lot of fun! We can also go bowling!

            We are going to have fun in the amusement park from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Then, we are going to have pizza, cake, and ice cream. After eating I’m going to hide some presents, so we are going to have a treasure hunt. Finally, we are going to go bowling.

            Can you come? Please call me 962-5820. Parents can come, too.

4. What are Rachel and her friends going to do for her birthday ?
5. When is rachel’s birthday party ?
6. what is the title of the text!
7. what do they do after eating?

8. $ 8.90 (it's ..................)
9. $9.87 (it's ..........................)
10. $0.45 (it's ..........................)

Home learning b.inggris kelas 4a dan 4c (Jumat 20 Maret 2020)

Tugas kelas 4a dan 4c (20 Maret 2020)

Fill in the blank!
1. A librarian helps people find.....in a library.
2. A.....flies an airplane
3. I am sleepy. I sleep in the....
4. I want to save my Money. I am going to the....
5. I need some gas. I am going to the....
6. my mother cooks in the....
7. I need some medicine. I am going to the....
8. Unscramble the sentence ( never -I- tag-play)
9. A: Do you ever go....?
    B: yes, I ever go Swimming.
10. We can take a bath in the....

Home learning b.inggris kelas 5B (Kamis 19 Maret 2020)

Tugas kelas 5B (Kamis 19 Maret 2020)

Fill in the blank!

1. She always helps the doctor in the hospital. She is a....
2. Diah: How ….are you?
    Reni: I am ten years old.

3. if you get a headache. you can go to...

The text is for no. 4-7


Please come to my birthday party on Saturday March 1st. We are going to have a party at the amusement park from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

            The amusement park has bumper cars, a Ferris wheel, roller coasters. . . . We are going to have a lot of fun! We can also go bowling!

            We are going to have fun in the amusement park from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Then, we are going to have pizza, cake, and ice cream. After eating I’m going to hide some presents, so we are going to have a treasure hunt. Finally, we are going to go bowling.

            Can you come? Please call me 962-5820. Parents can come, too.

4. What are Rachel and her friends going to do for her birthday ?
5. When is rachel’s birthday party ?
6. what is the title of the text!
7. what do they do after eating?

8. $ 8.90 (it's ..................)
9. $9.87 (it's ..........................)
10. $0.45 (it's ..........................)

Kegiatan home learning bahasa Inggris kelas 4e (Kamis 19 Maret 2020)

Tugas kelas 4e (19 Maret 2020)

Fill in the blank!
1. A librarian helps people find.....in a library.
2. A.....flies an airplane
3. I am sleepy. I sleep in the....
4. I want to save my Money. I am going to the....
5. I need some gas. I am going to the....
6. my mother cooks in the....
7. I need some medicine. I am going to the....
8. Unscramble the sentence ( never -I- tag-play)
9. A: Do you ever go....?
    B: yes, I ever go Swimming.
10. We can take a bath in the....

Kisi-kisi soal b.inggris PTS kelas 5 (Rabu 18 Maret 2020)

Fill in the blank!

1. She always helps the doctor in the hospital. She is a....
2. Diah: How ….are you?
    Reni: I am ten years old.

3. if you get a headache. you can go to...

The text is for no. 4-7


Please come to my birthday party on Saturday March 1st. We are going to have a party at the amusement park from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

            The amusement park has bumper cars, a Ferris wheel, roller coasters. . . . We are going to have a lot of fun! We can also go bowling!

            We are going to have fun in the amusement park from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Then, we are going to have pizza, cake, and ice cream. After eating I’m going to hide some presents, so we are going to have a treasure hunt. Finally, we are going to go bowling.

            Can you come? Please call me 962-5820. Parents can come, too.

4. What are Rachel and her friends going to do for her birthday ?
5. When is rachel’s birthday party ?
6. what is the title of the text!
7. what do they do after eating?

8. $ 8.90 (it's ..................)
9. $9.87 (it's ..........................)
10. $0.45 (it's ..........................)

Kisi-kisi soal B.Inggris kelas 4 (Rabu 18 Maret 2020)

Fill in the blank!
1. A librarian helps people find.....in a library.
2. A.....flies an airplane
3. I am sleepy. I sleep in the....
4. I want to save my Money. I am going to the....
5. I need some gas. I am going to the....
6. my mother cooks in the....
7. I need some medicine. I am going to the....
8. Unscramble the sentence ( never -I- tag-play)
9. A: Do you ever go....?
    B: yes, I ever go Swimming.
10. We can wash our hair in the....

Kisi-Kisi B.Inggris soal PTS kelas 5 (Selasa 17 Maret 2020)

Fill in the blank!

1. She always helps the doctor in the hospital. She is a....
2. Diah: How ….are you?
    Reni: I am ten years old.

3. if you get a headache. you can go to...

The text is for no. 4-7


Please come to my birthday party on Saturday March 1st. We are going to have a party at the amusement park from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

            The amusement park has bumper cars, a Ferris wheel, roller coasters. . . . We are going to have a lot of fun! We can also go bowling!

            We are going to have fun in the amusement park from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Then, we are going to have pizza, cake, and ice cream. After eating I’m going to hide some presents, so we are going to have a treasure hunt. Finally, we are going to go bowling.

            Can you come? Please call me 962-5820. Parents can come, too.

4. What are Rachel and her friends going to do for her birthday ?
5. When is rachel’s birthday party ?
6. what is the title of the text!
7. what do they do after eating?

8. $ 8.90 (it's ..................)
9. $9.87 (it's ..........................)
10. $0.45 (it's ..........................)

Kisi-kisi sola B. Inggris Kelas 4 (Selasa 17 Maret 2020)

Fill in the blank!
1. A librarian helps people find.....in a library.
2. A.....flies an airplane
3. I am sleepy. I sleep in the....
4. I want to save my Money. I am going to the....
5. I need some gas. I am going to the....
6. my mother cooks in the....
7. I need some medicine. I am going to the....
8. Unscramble the sentence ( never -I- tag-play)
9. A: Do you ever go....?
    B: yes, I ever go Swimming.
10. We can wash our hair in the....

Kisi - kisi soal PTS Kelas 5 (senin 16 Maret 2020)

Fill in the blank!

1. She always helps the doctor in the hospital. She is a....
2. Diah: How ….are you?
    Reni: I am ten years old.

3. if you get a headache. you can go to...

The text is for no. 4-7


Please come to my birthday party on Saturday March 1st. We are going to have a party at the amusement park from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

            The amusement park has bumper cars, a Ferris wheel, roller coasters. . . . We are going to have a lot of fun! We can also go bowling!

            We are going to have fun in the amusement park from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Then, we are going to have pizza, cake, and ice cream. After eating I’m going to hide some presents, so we are going to have a treasure hunt. Finally, we are going to go bowling.

            Can you come? Please call me 962-5820. Parents can come, too.

4. What are Rachel and her friends going to do for her birthday ?
5. When is rachel’s birthday party ?
6. what is the title of the text!
7. what do they do after eating?

8. $ 8.90 (it's ..................)
9. $9.87 (it's ..........................)
10. $0.45 (it's ..........................)

Kisi-Kisi soal PTS Kelas 4 (Senin 16 Maret 2020)

Fill in the blank!
1. A librarian helps people find.....in a library.
2. A.....flies an airplane
3. I am sleepy. I sleep in the....
4. I want to save my Money. I am going to the....
5. I need some gas. I am going to the....
6. my mother cooks in the....
7. I need some medicine. I am going to the....
8. Unscramble the sentence ( never -I- tag-play)
9. A: Do you ever go....?
    B: yes, I ever go Swimming.
10. We can wash our hair in the....

Pembelajaran Kelas 4A dan 4C (Jumat 13 Maret 2020)



Lesson 2b: How Often Do You See a Beautiful Sunset?

: 4/2
: Activities
: How often do you see a beautiful sunset?
: 8 (eight)
Approximate time
: 70’

A.     Standard Competence:

1.      Mendengarkan       : Memahami instruksi sederhana dengan respon berupa tindakan.

2.      Berbicara               : Merespon instruksi dengan bahasa lisan sederhana

3.      Membaca               : Memahami tulisan bahasa Inggris sederhana

4.      Menulis                  : Mengeja dan menyalin tulisan bahasa Inggris sederhana

B.     Basic Competence:

1.      Merespon dengan cara mengulang kosa kata baru dengan ucapan lantang.

2.      Merespon instruksi guru dan teman di dalam kelas secara verbal

3.      Melakukan percakapan untuk meminta atau memberi informasi yang melibatkan tindak tutur yang digunakan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari.

4.      Membaca nyaring dengan intonasi yang tepat dan memahami kalimat dan teks deskriptif bergambar sederhana.

5.      Mengeja kosa kata bahasa Inggris sederhana secara tepat.

6.      Memahami kalimat dan pesan tertulis sederhana.

C.     Indicators Communication and Language Objective:

Students are able to talk about frequency with which they do certain activities.

D.     Aims

Students are able to talk about how often they do the activities using clarification question with How often ….?

E.     Materials Teaching Aids:

1.      Pictures page 20/E & F

2.      Student’s book

3.      Workbook

4.      CD English Chest

F.      Learning Activities:

Ø  Teacher shows a pictures of page 72/E.
Ø  Teacher tells the class a story about the picture.
Ø  Students are asked some questions related to the picture:
o   Where is he/she?
He is at home.
She is in a clothing store.
o   What is she/he doing?
She/he is relaxing/shopping.
o   What is she wearing?
She is wearing a yellow shirt, red pants, and black shoes.
o   Etc.


Whilst Activity
Ø  Teacher shows the next picture of page 72/F.
Ø  Students are prompted to ask and answer the questions about the picture/flash cards in turn.
o   How often does she check her email?
A few times a day.
o   How often does she play the piano?
Almost every day.
o   How often does he eat spaghetti?
Maybe once or twice a week.
o   Etc. (Based on flash cards/picture)

Ø  Students are asked each other personal questions in survey activity:
o   How often do you (play soccer/piano)?
May be twice a week.


Post Activity
Ø  Teacher asks students to open the worksheet.
Ø  Teacher explains how to complete the worksheet.
Ø  Students are asked to start completing the worksheet.
Ø  Teacher and students check the work together.


Class 4A SD Al Azhar 2 Bandar Lampung

  Hari/Tanggal        : Jumat, 21 Februari 2025 Kelas                       : 4A Mata Pelajaran     : Pendidikan Anti Korupsi Alat Peraga   ...